Tuesday 24 February 2009

Ang akong natun-an sa Community!!

As we went on to our exposure, we have noticed some garbage not properly disposed which can harbor the growth of infectious microorganisms. Further, in our home visit, we advised the residents to maintain the cleanliness of their environment to prevent illness and diseases.

The home visits were generally heart-whelming. The families had welcomed us into their homes. They were even glad to see us and asked us to take their BPs. At first I was shy to reach to them because I am afraid that they might reject us but then even though we were complete strangers they were so enthusiastic to open their lives to us. With that, my shyness was replaced with excitement. Their stories were almost the same. Hearing how unfortunate they had become at som etime, made me realized how lucky I am. They made me appreciate what i have now and that I must take good care of them. Mrs. Susan stressed the importance of education and asked us to give priorities on them. She also pointed out how their being undergraduates affected thier lives. Healthwise, it became a hindrance for them to fully develop their health and nutrition.
I was indeed glad with the active participation of the residents of Sua. The bystanders asked us to take their BPs and even the group of residents who were having their meeting. At some point, I was disappointed to see an old man sleeping on the barangay hall with the coldness of the floor and dirty surroundings when he should be at home and being taken good care by his family. I suggest that the Barangay Health Center should also conduct programs for the elderly to ensure that their needs are also given proper attention. They must also conduct programs for proper sanitation and give importance to hygiene.
Generally, our exposure was successful. Somehow the concepts of communtiy health nursing was fulfilled. We had reached out to them and hopefully there will be more encounter with them in the next sessions.