Wednesday 11 March 2009

Anti Nigger..^^

I’ve been thinking about politics for now and I mainly hate to conclude to the Pro-Obamans that they should have think then merely listen. How could you assure your future to a person who doesn’t even have a consistent profile of where he has grown up. You’ll say its because of his situation and the important part is that he have adjusted and look where it led him. Yes, it was a big advantage to him but why devote all your hopes for him. I am pro McCain and I was touched when he stepped down because he knew that Obama would need him especially the lack of experience of your knew head president.

I am a Filipino I know but hey I don’t even get why Filipinos hail him so much because of he is the 1st Negro US president. I know I am not in the position to judge but look at his proposals first. It wasn’t even half goal-oriented as what McCain wrote.

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